
"When one has tasted it he knows what the angels eat."-Mark Twain

I just started my new book today, a lot of useless information if you ask me. Do people seriously believe in witches and wizards? I suppose though I can tough this one out. It was a gorgeous day out today and I think there's supposed to be a bon-fire later, and believe it or not I'm actually pretty excited. The cook whom I met today while preparing my breakfast was making all of the food for the dinner before the bonfire tonight. Everthing looked so good except for the pussing ulser on his left leg...gross!!! I almost didn't want to try the food, but I couldn't resist because it just smelled so good, and boy oh boy did it taste even better. I had no idea that food could taste soooo good. I can't wait 'til dinner, maybe we'll even roast marshmallows. I'll let you know how it is though. Bye!

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