
"Death is not the worst that can happen to men" - Plato

I woke up to big raindrops pelting me this morning. I sat up quickly and realized that it had just started to storm. The sky was so dark that I thought it was still night. It was actually 9:30 in the morning. I knew right then that it was going to be a bad day. The rain is always foreboding. I think that riding along side the Pardoner and Summoner was half the reason my day was horrible. They have seemed like nice guys thus far, but after having a conversation with them, I dont think they really are. For some reason, they gave me a weird vibe. They are best described as shady. The Pardoner even rode with his wallet on his lap. He may be more untrusting than I. He told a story about the pitfalls of greed. It was a creepy tale that kept me interested. It ended with three brothers dying over their desire for money. It was some heavy stuff. I am glad that money is the last thing on my mind.

"Man - a being in search of meaning" - Plato

I finished my "Zen" book, and I'm kind of upset because now I have nothing to read. It made me think about life, especially mine. It was a very deep book. I wish that I could find someone on this trip to talk about it with. I bet my profressor has a lot to say about it. Which reminds me... I've been feeling a bit homesick. Ahhh. I don't know why I'm never content! Maybe I should start to look at things in a more optimistic view. You know, the glass is half empty sort of thing. Oh well. I need to stop at a bookstore.

"Life must be lived as play" - Plato

Wow, I'm surprised! I've finally met some people that seem to be nice and genuine. Today I met the Plowman and the Parson. The only complaint I have about them, if any, is that they don't particularly smell that pleasant. Well at least the plowman. Hey that's ok though, regaurdless if they wear Calvin Klein or not, they are both very good and vitruous men. I'm not exactly a churchgoer, because I never seem to have the time, but they kind of give me a hope about religion, and whats next after this. Almost everyone I have met so far were morons, talked gossip and were loud and obnoxious. These guys don't seem to care for any of that though, and quite frankly, I admire that. Ok, it's getting late and the Franklin is telling his tale right now. I'm going to pretend like I care about it. I'll write again tomarrow if I'm in the mood.