
"To be happy we must not be too concerned with others" - Albert Camus

After having such a wonderful time at the village yesterday, I was reluctant to get back on the road. Unfortunately, the show must go on, and so it did. I rode beside the Manciple for today's trip. I don't think we had even made eye contact before today. We managed to have an in-depth conversation, though. He mostly talked about his job, and I mostly listened. He's a big shot at some law firm, which makes perfect sense considering his apparent wealth. He owns some of the nicest suits I have ever laid eyes on. Also, he wears Prada sunglasses. It's ridiculous. I've never been the fashionalbe type and that's fine with me. I'm fine wearing simple clothes. Clothes are meaningless anyway because tomorrow, no one is going to remember what I wore today.

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