
"Who seeks shall find" - Sophocles

I woke up today feeling differently. I felt hopeful or excited or something that I can't explain. The closest I can get to describing it would be to say that I felt refreshed. Maybe this trip has given me a new outlook... It has been a long few weeks, and we've all grown surprisingly close. I've actually met some people that I would like to talk to or have coffee with in the future. I think I might miss my fellow pilgrims. It's kind of funny that at first, all I wanted to do was go back to Oxford. Now, all I want to do is anything but go back to Oxford! I spent so much time couped up in my dorm room with my books thinking that I was living. All that I was really doing was reading about people who were actually living... unlike me. This journey allowed me to see the world first hand. Being constantly exposed to nature for the past few weeks has made me more appreciative of this Earth. I never particularly enjoyed being outdoors before, but that has definitely changed. I've been noticing other changes, too. I'm finally using my voice. I have been talking so much more. All of these interesting, talkative characters forced me to open up to them. I am so grateful that they did. I feel a lot better about myself and about life. I guess it is perfect timing because the Host says that we will be in Canterbury in the next hour or so. You know what I just realized? I left Oxford looking for a change, and I will arrive in Canterbury finding it.

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